Sarah - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Men's Mental Health and Hypnotherapy

Uniting together to advocate for improving men’s mental and physical wellbeing in the modern world. It only takes one single person to be aware and to teach the next person. 

Within my own practice for the first time, I now have an equal amount of male and female clients, often people come to me as a last resort and often in crisis. This has to change and that comes down to reducing stigma, education and accessibility.

I am a big advocate for education and preventive action; however, Men fall into the demographic of being hard to reach or they have a reluctance to ask for help.


My ambition is to create a mental health resilience toolkit for men aged 18 and above to empower them to take control of their mental health and physical wellbeing.

The Mental Health Foundation have stated that social expectations for men play a large role in their mental health.

Men grow up with an array of thoughts about how they should act in life and what masculinity is. There is an assumed “need” to display all the stereotypes such as bravery, being in control and holding it all together for everyone else or you are perceived as being weak. Men have a much greater difficulty talking about their own mental health struggles than women.

As a therapist I have studied how the brain works and this is the neuroscience part that so many people have no idea about, yet its fundamental in understanding mental health. I call it the light bulb moment! Men particularly respond well to this as its factual and science based.

Do you really know how your brain works? Do you understand the role of the primitive mind which controls, Anger, anxiety, depression or a combination of all three?

What is the stress bucket? And what happens to us when it spills over?
Do you understand the fight, flight and freeze responses?

Why is it so difficult to make decisions when you are stressed? How sleep plays a big part in managing stress.

Men looking out of window with cup of tea - Men's Mental Health
Man reflecting by a lake - Mens Mental Health
Mental Health United - Men's Mental Health Logo

It can benefit your long-term mental health to learn how to recognise when you need to take action with your mental health and physical wellbeing.

MENtal Health United was born after I saw the difficulties my own brother had as he tried to remain stoic throughout his terminal cancer fight. Always wanting the rest of us to be OK.

I now have the privilege of knowing and working with men from all walks of life including the Construction industry, Fisherman, Chefs and Police Officers.

This work has also led me to build relationships with local businesses in construction and gyms to promote more open conversations whilst facilitating mental health group meetings.

These conversations can be very powerful, and it’s often the person everyone thinks that has “got it all together” who opens up.
From telling my story, I have supported men who have reached out for support whilst facing their own Cancer diagnosis.

In life we cannot always fix everything, which can lead to Anger, frustration and helplessness but maybe its our job to carry them.
The Hollies summed it up: “ The road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where, who knows where, but I’m strong, strong enough to carry him; he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy for Men

Men’s mental health is a critical issue that often goes overlooked. We live in a society where men are expected to be strong, stoic, and self-reliant, which can sadly make it challenging for them to seek help when they’re struggling. This silence has an impact on men’s well-being, leading to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and even suicide. It’s time we shed light on this important topic and explore effective solutions to support male emotional well-being.

Man reflecting with sunset - Men's Mental Health
Sarah - Clinical Hypnotherapist DHP, Solution Focused Therapist with client

Hypnotherapy for Men

While mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of gender, there are some conditions that are particularly prevalent among men. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems we face. In the UK, it’s estimated that around 3 million men experience depression each year. Mental health statistics often show that men are less likely to seek help, making the actual number potentially higher. However, the symptoms of depression in men can sometimes differ from those typically associated with the condition.

Men might experience increased irritability, anger, or fatigue rather than feeling sad or tearful. This can make it harder for us to recognise that we’re dealing with depression, and it may be overlooked by healthcare professionals too

Anxiety is another significant issue affecting men’s mental health. While it’s often thought of as a ‘women’s condition’, anxiety disorders can have a severe impact on men’s lives. We might find ourselves constantly worrying, feeling on edge, or experiencing physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating.

Barriers to Seeking Help

One of the most significant challenges we face when it comes to men’s mental health is the reluctance to seek help. There are several reasons why men might hesitate to reach out for support:

  1. Stigma: The fear of being labelled ascrazyorweakcan be a powerful deterrent. We might worry about how seeking help will affect our relationships, career, or social standing.
  2. Lack of awareness: Sometimes, we simply don’t recognise the signs of mental health issues in ourselves. We might dismiss our feelings as stress or attribute physical symptoms to other causes.
  3. Difficulty expressing emotions: Men may struggle to put feelings into words, struggling to describe what they are experiencing, making it hard to communicate their needs.
  4. Self-reliance: The belief that men should be able to handle their own problems can prevent them from seeking professional help.
  5. Privacy concerns: Men might worry about confidentiality or fear that seeking help could somehow be used against us in the future.

These barriers can have serious consequences. When we don’t address our mental health issues, they can worsen over time, leading to more severe problems down the line. It’s crucial that we work to overcome these obstacles and create an environment where men feel comfortable seeking the support they need. At Evolve Hypnotherapy we are doing just that.

Hypnotherapy Session Paignton
Lady on Paddleboard - Evolve Hypnotherapy Paignton

“I cannot recommend Sarah highly enough and I would see her again. Apart from the fact she is so friendly and easy to talk to she is obviously highly trained and an expert in her field. I really appreciate how Sarah helped me”

Mrs JH – Brixham

Men looking out of window with cup of tea - Men's Mental Health

“I met with Sarah at a time where everything felt too much. I was burnt out, overwhelmed with stress and suffering a revolving cycle of IBS, toilet anxiety, social & travel anxiety. Sarah’s support & services come with my highest recommendations and Sarah’s been the defining influence for healing from my triggers, restoring quality of life and irradicating my anxiety’s. 

Thank you Sarah for giving me my life back.”


Your Path to Help Emotional Well-being Starts Here

Every journey begins with a single conversation. Whether you’re facing a specific issue or just feeling the need for someone to listen, I’m here for you. Together, we can uncover insights, release emotional tension, and build the resilience you need to move forward with confidence and peace.

Ready to take the next step? 

Book a complimentary initial consultation appointment
and let’s start your journey to emotional well-being.

What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Solution-focused hypnotherapy blends an innovative form of psychotherapy known as solution-focused brief therapy with clinical hypnotherapy, offering a modern approach that helps clients achieve meaningful, positive changes.

This method emphasises the present and future, providing clients with insight into why they feel the way they do and, more importantly, what can be done about it. We concentrate on what the client aims to accomplish, rather than dwelling on the issues that brought them to seek help. Many clients find comfort in knowing they won’t need to revisit painful memories or delve deeply into past struggles.s

Solution Focused Therapies can help with conditions including:

Anxiety, Anger & Depression

Stress/low self confidence

Generalised Anxiety/Health Anxiety


For a Solution Brief Talking/Hypnotherapy session we charge £50.00 per session

Solution Focused Therapies can

help with many conditions including:

Anxiety, Anger & Depression

Stress/low self confidence


Generalised Anxiety/Health Anxiety

Muscular Pain



For a Solution Brief Talking/Hypnotherapy session we charge £50.00 per session
Self-esteem Hypnotherapy In Torquay Icon
Hypnotherapy for Stress Icon
Depression Hypnotherapy In Paignton Icon
Anxiety Hypnotherapy Icon
Hypnotherapy for Grief Icon

Hypnotherapy works by naturally guiding focused thoughts, and it’s this focus that triggers an emotional response. The experience of hypnosis, which feels like a deeply relaxed state, allows access to the subconscious mind where lasting changes can be made. Throughout the process, you remain fully in control. I’ll encourage you to envision your desired future, asking questions like “What would be different if the problem improved?” or “What would have changed?”

Your mind will only accept suggestions it resonates with, so the changes feel natural because they come from within. It’s often said that our brains are more active during sleep, especially while dreaming. In a similar way, when you’re in this relaxed, dreamlike state, your subconscious is more open to positive suggestions and therapeutic transformation.

There’s a common misconception that hypnotherapy is something that simply ‘happens’ to you, where the therapist somehow erases your problem as if by magic. In reality, solution-focused therapy is a collaborative process. If you’re open to changing your thought patterns, this approach can be highly effective in easing anxiety, stress, depression, and more.

Mens Hypnotherapist Devon

Solution-focused therapy combines research-backed, evidence-based talking therapies with clinical hypnotherapy to support clients in making meaningful, positive changes.

These therapeutic sessions are particularly effective in alleviating issues heightened by stress and anxiety. Clients often find relief as they learn to calm a racing mind, step away from the overwhelming feelings, and ease the physical effects of stress and anxiety, such as IBS, muscle tension in the neck and back, and the “butterfly” sensation in the stomach that can sometimes lead to nausea.

By embracing these positive changes, you’ll be better equipped to take care of yourself, make wiser decisions, and develop healthier habits.

Contact Sarah - Clinical Hypnotherapist -DSFH

Ask Sarah a question, schedule a call or book a consultation.
The consultation at my wellbeing centre based in Paignton is designed to assess what you
want to achieve and if solution focused therapy is the right treatment for you.

Telephone: 07833548641      Email:

Ask Sarah a question, schedule a call or book a consultation.
The consultation at my wellbeing centre based in Paignton or at Torbay Chiropractic Clinic is designed to assess what you want to achieve and if solution focused therapy is the right treatment for you.

Telephone: 07833548641     

What is Hypnotherapy for Men?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic technique that has gained recognition for its effectiveness in addressing various mental health concerns, including those specific to men’s mental health. As a complementary therapy, it involves inducing a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, allowing individuals to tap into their subconscious minds.

During a hypnotherapy session, I guide my clients into a trance-like state where they become more receptive to positive suggestions. It’s important to note that hypnotherapy isn’t about mind control or manipulation. Instead, it’s a collaborative process between the therapist and the client, aimed at exploring and addressing deep-seated issues.

One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy for men’s mental health is its ability to help individuals manage stress and anxiety. Many men face significant pressures in their personal and professional lives, and hypnotherapy can provide them with effective relaxation techniques and coping strategies.

How Hypnotherapy Works

The process of hypnotherapy typically begins with what we call ‘pre-hypnotic information’. This involves discussing the client’s goals, addressing any misconceptions about hypnosis, and answering questions. I find this step crucial in building trust and setting positive expectations.

Next comes the hypnotic induction, where I guide the client into a state of deep relaxation. This is often followed by ‘deepening’ techniques to intensify the relaxation and calmness. In this state, the mind becomes more open to suggestions and change.

The core of the session involves providing therapeutic suggestions tailored to the client’s specific needs. For instance, if we’re working on reducing anxiety, I might suggest visualisations of calm and peaceful scenarios. For issues like low self-esteem, we might focus on building a more positive self-image.

One of the unique aspects of hypnotherapy is its ability to access the subconscious mind. This can be particularly beneficial for men who struggle to express their emotions or who have deeply ingrained negative thought patterns. By working at this deeper level, we can often achieve more rapid and lasting changes.


Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Men’s Mental Health

Hypnotherapy offers several specific benefits for men’s mental health. Firstly, it’s an effective tool for stress reduction. Given the high levels of stress many men experience in their daily lives, learning to relax deeply and manage stress more effectively can have a significant impact on overall well-being.

Another area where hypnotherapy shines is in treating anxiety and depression. These conditions are increasingly common among men, yet often go undiagnosed or untreated due to societal expectations and stigma. Evolve Hypnotherapy provides a safe, non-judgmental space for men to address these issues.

For men dealing with trauma or PTSD, hypnotherapy can be a gentle yet powerful way to process and heal from traumatic experiences. It allows for exploration of difficult memories and emotions in a controlled, supportive environment.

Hypnotherapy is also beneficial for addressing specific behavioural issues. For instance, it can be effective in helping men quit smoking, manage anger, or overcome addictive behaviours. By working with the subconscious mind, we can often achieve faster results than through traditional talk therapy alone.

One of the most valuable aspects of hypnotherapy for men’s mental health is its ability to enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Many men struggle with identifying and expressing their emotions, which can lead to a range of mental health issues. Through hypnotherapy, they can develop a better understanding of their emotional landscape and learn healthier ways of expressing themselves.


Breaking the Stigma: Men and Therapy

When it comes to men’s mental health, it’s crucial to address the elephant in the room: the stigma surrounding men seeking therapy. For far too long, societal expectations have painted a picture of masculinity that doesn’t allow for vulnerability or seeking help. But it’s time we challenge these outdated notions and create a more supportive environment for men to prioritise their mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions about
Hypnotherapy for Men


Why is discussing men’s mental health crucial?

Addressing men’s mental health is essential because without professional intervention, conditions like depression can lead to severe outcomes, including substance abuse or even suicide. Notably, suicide rates among men are nearly four times higher than those among women, highlighting the importance of this issue.


How effective is hypnotherapy in treating various conditions?

Hypnotherapy is highly effective for a range of applications. According to surveys, at least 70% of respondents found hypnotherapy to be highly effective for stress reduction, enhancing overall well-being, preparing for surgery, managing anxiety, practising mindfulness and boosting confidence.


In what ways has hypnotherapy transformed lives?

Personal experiences with hypnotherapy often reflect significant life changes. For instance, after an 11-week hypnotherapy programme, individuals have reported profound shifts in their mindset, feeling liberated from previous limitations and more open to exploring new possibilities in life.


What is the success rate of hypnotherapy for men?

The success rate of hypnotherapy for men can vary depending on the specific issue being treated, just like for the general population. However, studies don’t typically differentiate success rates by gender alone, as outcomes are influenced more by individual factors such as suggestibility, openness to the process, and the condition being treated.

Here are some general points regarding hypnotherapy’s effectiveness for men:

1. Smoking Cessation: Research does show that men may be more responsive to hypnotherapy for quitting smoking, with some studies reporting a success rate between 30% and 60% for men, depending on the study.

2. Anxiety, Stress, and Depression: Hypnotherapy has been shown to have significant positive effects on mental health, including anxiety, stress, and depression. For men, success rates are similar to women, around 70% to 90% when used as part of a broader treatment plan, particularly if the individual is open to the method.

3. Weight Loss: In weight loss studies, success rates for men vary similarly to the general population, typically improving when hypnotherapy is combined with other interventions like cognitive behavourial therapy (CBT). Success rates for sustained weight loss often range from 20% to 50%.

4. Chronic Pain: Men experiencing chronic pain (such as back pain or sports-related injuries) have seen improvement in pain management through hypnotherapy, with success rates around 75% in some cases.

Overall, the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for men tends to mirror that of the general population. Success often depends on the individual’s commitment and the therapist’s approach.


Is hypnotherapy better than CBT?

Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are both widely used in the UK for treating various mental health and behavioural issues, but they work differently, and their effectiveness varies depending on the condition and individual. It’s not always a matter of one being “better” than the other but rather which approach is more suited to the individual’s needs and preferences.

Here’s a comparison:

1. Effectiveness for Anxiety and Depression

CBT: CBT is considered the gold standard for treating anxiety and depression in the UK. It’s heavily researched and has a strong evidence base. The NHS often recommends it, and studies show high success rates, typically between 50% and 75% for these conditions.

Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy can also be effective for anxiety and depression, especially when combined with CBT or other treatments. It helps individuals access deeper subconscious thought patterns, which can sometimes make it more effective for those who struggle with purely cognitive approaches. The success rate can be as high as 70% to 90%, but it lacks the large body of scientific evidence that CBT has.

2. Treatment Duration

CBT: Typically requires 6-20 sessions depending on the severity of the issue. It’s structured and time-limited, making it an appealing option for many seeking quicker results.

Hypnotherapy: The number of sessions varies, but it is often used in fewer sessions than CBT (sometimes as few as 3-6), particularly for issues like smoking cessation or phobias.|


3. Specific Conditions

CBT: Works well for a broad range of issues, including depression, anxiety, phobias, and OCD. It’s evidence-based and has a clear process for managing thoughts and behaviours.

Hypnotherapy: Can be more effective for conditions where subconscious factors play a large role, such as smoking cessation, weight loss, phobias, and pain management. It’s sometimes used when traditional therapies like CBT haven’t worked well.


4. Combining Approaches

In many cases, combining CBT and hypnotherapy can lead to better results. Hypnotherapy can help individuals get past subconscious blocks, while CBT provides a structured, cognitive framework for managing thoughts and behaviours.

5. Access and Availability

CBT: Widely available through the NHS in the UK and often recommended as a first-line treatment. It’s free through public healthcare, though waiting lists can be long.

Hypnotherapy: Usually available privately and not commonly provided by the NHS. Costs can vary, and it’s not as widely accessible through public health services.

6. Scientific Evidence

CBT: Extensively researched with a robust evidence base supporting its effectiveness for a variety of mental health conditions.

Hypnotherapy: While effective for certain issues, it has less scientific backing compared to CBT, especially for anxiety and depression. However, some individuals respond better to hypnotherapy, particularly for habit-based issues or when combined with other therapies.


CBT is typically more effective for a broader range of mental health conditions, especially depression and anxiety, and is supported by extensive scientific evidence.

Hypnotherapy can be better for specific issues like smoking cessation, phobias, or chronic pain, and may work well when combined with other therapies, including CBT.

In the UK, CBT is more widely recommended and accessible, especially via the NHS. Hypnotherapy can be an effective alternative or complement, particularly when traditional therapies haven’t achieved the desired results.